
Venice apartment for sale

Time for us to move on

Our home is up for sale

€425.000 (negotiable)

On these pages you will find various details concerning our home and the surrounding area in which we live — for instance, the services, public transport and a few of our preferred places to eat. You will also find contact details to set up an appointment to visit at a time convenient to all. Just bear in mind that you buy the house — not the furniture, so ignore our choice of décor! Feel free to browse…

Click on arrow to find details on how to book a visit


Those nitty gritty details to help you understand what the home offers

Local services

Check out the list of local services & amenities to see how close the home is to everything essential

Bits & bobs

A few extra titbits of information to satisfy your curiosity

Our Home

Feel free to look around

Follow our social media

If you would like to know a little more about us as people, you can take a peek at our social media…



Junghans new residential area
Venice, Italy

+39 349 055 5334 (our agent)